Eye care

Astaxanthin, super antioxidant eye and skin care

Astaxanthin is a red-orange substance in the carotenoid group. with extremely high efficiency in antioxidants until astaxanthin (Astaxanthin) has received a lot of attention. And has been used in the field of nutrition and cosmeceuticals. It also has many medical benefits. In 2014, the demand for astaxanthin jumped to 280 tonnes and is still growing at 7% today, this is one thing that can be confirmed. Astaxanthin’s special abilities (Astaxanthin) in various properties as well Today we would like to bring everyone to get to know each other. and tell about the amazing properties for everyone to know Astaxanthin is found in most marine animals such as salmon, trout, krill, shrimp, crayfish, and crab, but from natural sources is the most common. Small red algae (Microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis) which astaxanthin (Astaxanthin) It is an antioxidant ...
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Blue light, the danger of the era where life is addicted to the screen!!!

Today, most of our daily lives are in front of a computer screen. Phone, tablet and electronic media screens for more than 8 hours a day Therefore, it is inevitable that the eyes will be exposed to blue light from these devices as well. This blue light is a silent threat that directly affects our eyes. Three risk conditions caused by blue light are: Digital Eye Strain: Fatigue, itching, pain, burning eyes, blurred vision, double vision, headache, eye pain, tearing, dry eyes, eyes are more sensitive to light Death of optic nerve cells when the eyes are exposed to blue light Will result in eye cells to deteriorate faster. abnormal vision faster This is because the high-energy light waves induce the generation of free radicals (Free Radical) in the cells of the retina. macular degeneration ...
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